Personal Data Processing Policy

Edition of 01.09.2022

This Personal Data Processing Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") is published and applied by IP Bezrukova Natalia Sergeevna (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator") in accordance with clause 2, Part 1 of Article 18.1 of Federal Law "On Personal Data".

1. General provisions

1.1. This Policy explains the procedure for collecting, storing and protecting personal data of Customers who have decided to use the Operator's services.

1.2. Clients consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with this Policy by affixing the "I Agree" checkbox, as well as when registering a Personal Account on the Operator's Website.

1.3. We ask you to read the Policy carefully, this will help you understand the scope of its application and make an informed decision on the provision of your Personal Data. In case of disagreement with these conditions, the Client must refrain from the services provided by the Operator.

1.4. This Policy may be changed, replaced or deleted at any time without prior notice. It is recommended to periodically review this page to get the latest information about the Operator's Policy.

2. Categories of subjects whose personal data are processed:

2.1. Customers who are in contractual relations with the Operator and their legal representatives.

3. Purposes of processing personal data of Clients

The Operator processes the personal data of Customers for the following purposes:

3.1. Provision of services by the Operator in accordance with the agreement concluded between the Operator and the Client;

3.2. Establishing feedback with the Client, including sending notifications regarding the procedure for the provision of services, processing requests and requests from the Client.

4. Categories of personal data processed by the Operator

4.1. Within the framework of achieving the processing objectives provided for in this Policy, the Operator processes the following categories of personal data of Customers:

surname, first name and patronymic;

email address;

mobile phone number.

5. Methods and conditions for processing personal data of Clients

5.1. The Operator performs automated and non-automated processing of personal data of Clients.

5.2. With respect to personal information of Clients, its confidentiality is maintained, except in cases where the Client voluntarily provides information about himself for general access to an unlimited number of persons.

5.3. The Operator discloses Customer information to third parties only in cases where there is an obligation to do so in accordance with applicable law, requests from government agencies, court proceedings, court order or judicial process.

5.4. Processing, including storage, of Clients' personal data is carried out until the moment the Client refuses the Operator's services.

5.5. If the Client refuses the Operator's services, the Client's personal data is deleted by destroying the account, after which such record cannot be restored.

5.6. The Operator provides services to Customers by posting its website on the website /, which is a software "GETCOURSE 2.0." designed to create an online school and organize the learning process on the Internet. On the website the HTTPS extension to the HTTP protocol is used in order to increase security and protect information

5.7. Hosting services and dedicated server services are provided by Selectel LLC .

6. Ensuring the security of personal data

6.1. The Operator takes the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect the Client's personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties. The Operator follows generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information provided to him at all stages of personal data processing.

6.2. In accordance with the Federal Law, the Operator independently determines the composition and list of measures necessary and sufficient to ensure the fulfillment of obligations provided for by legislation in the field of personal data.

6.3. The protection of personal data is achieved by:

6.3.1. Appointment of a person responsible for the processing and protection of personal data;

6.3.2. Approval of this Policy;

6.3.3. Organization of access of the Operator's employees to information containing personal data of Clients in accordance with their official (functional) duties;

6.4. The Client protects his personal data by revoking consent to the processing of his personal data or by other means provided for by law.

6.5. The Operator, together with the Client, takes all necessary measures to prevent losses or other negative consequences caused by the loss or disclosure of the Client's personal data.

6.6. In case of loss or disclosure of personal data, the Operator informs the Client about the loss or disclosure of personal data.

7. Responsibility of the Parties

7.1. In case of non-fulfillment of its obligations, the Operator is liable for losses incurred by the Client in connection with the misuse of personal data, in accordance with the legislation of the country.

7.2. In case of loss or disclosure of confidential information, the Operator is not responsible if this confidential information:

7.2.1. Became public domain before its loss or disclosure;

7.2.2. Was disclosed with the consent of the Client.

8. Additional conditions

8.1. The Operator has the right to make changes to this Personal Data Processing Policy without the Client's consent.

8.2. The new Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Website, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Policy.

8.3. All suggestions or questions regarding this Policy should be reported .

8.4. The current Personal Data Processing Policy is posted on the page at: .

9. Operator's contact information

Individual entrepreneur Bezrukova Natalia Sergeevna

OGRNIP 318 784 700 057 430 dated 02/21/2018

INN 780 420 111 553

9 Nikoghayos Adonts St, Yerevan 0014, Armenia

IP Bezrukova Natalia Sergeevna

Date of publication: 25.09.2019 Effective date: 25.09.2019